Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Evaluating Game Platforms

I am evaluating a game called Journey. This game is about someone who goes on an adventure, they go through levels to reach their goal. I think the game was really interesting, I felt really intrigued by it and I want to play it. I think the music suited the game, the music made me feel nervous and sad. It looked like the character was on an adventure to get somewhere. The graphics were good it looked like the game was based in China. 

The next game I am evaluating is called Never Alone, you can play it on PS4 and Xbox One. This game is all about a girl who looks lost but she finds a little white fox and together they go on a big adventure. I think the graphics were really good it looks like it is real life. The music makes me feel sad for the girl, it really works with the game because they are on a very risky adventure and they could die. This game looks quite challenging and hard, but that's the fun of it. Teenagers grades went up by a lot because they did work around these games and got interested in it.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Error Control

In class we made a trick with parity cards. We set black and white cards in a 7 by 7 grid and we were trying to make the black cards even so that each row had an even number of black cards going down and across. We then added another row to the grid and had to make it even, for example if there were 3 black cards we add another row to make the number even, into 4 black cards. The black and white cards represent the 1 and 0 on a computer.

Here is a screenshot of the parity trick.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Monday, 7th August

Today my Gantt tells me to open all the paint jars, check if all the lids match the paint inside and if not make them match. I need to fill up all the empty paint jars and fill them u with new colours.

My friends and I need to be finished cleaning paints by Wednesday this week.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Yesterday in Services, I looked at my gantt chart and it said I had to check all the paints to make sure the colour matches the lid. My gantt chart also said I had to fill up empty jars with new paint colours.